possible error

英 [ˈpɒsəbl ˈerə(r)] 美 [ˈpɑːsəbl ˈerər]




  1. When you suspect a particular task is causing the problem, open the server console and narrow down the possible error messages generated by task.
  2. Corresponding to the different possible error types, there are error codes that are defined in the Boost headers.
  3. If you do not see your profile listed in the dialog, go back to your development workbench and check the console for possible error messages.
  4. This script deals with only one possible error: a failure to connect to the database.
  5. It is also common to find challenges when attempting to provision test data in back-end systems to support all possible error scenarios.
  6. Possible network error: error in closing network connection.
  7. This prevents a possible error that can occur if the application receives the event notification after releasing the pointer.
  8. The cohort studies and genetic studies yielded similar results, indicating a protective effect from lower homocysteine levels, even though they did not share the same sources of possible error.
  9. Possible error and improvement are also discussed.
  10. This paper analyzes the influence of image signal that is caused by imbalance of amplitude and phase of I, Q channel in receiver on following signal processing and/ possible error calibration technology.
  11. The possible error of system has also been analyzed.
  12. On the basis of learning GB3100~ 3102-93 and looking over literatures concerned, the author has concluded in detail the use of 'I and e' in the form of round hand and italics, and analyzed its possible error.
  13. For the error packets that cannot be corrected by the physical layer scheme, the possible error patterns are analyzed, and then an effective error-correction scheme and its hardware implementations are presented.
  14. In order to avoid the possible error of damage location by the flexibility comparison method, the flexibility projection method to locate the damage was proposed.
  15. The procedure of calculation and possible error are discussed.
  16. Retrospect analytical method, which consists of concrete diagnosis processes-describing common performance conditions, defining the possible error modes, defining the probable causal factors and making an match estimation, is adopted to diagnose causal factors from human error modes.
  17. This passage creates a math model of intersected measuring system with dual-CCD based on analyzing the possible error of untouched-mode coordinate measuring technology, and does error analysis of math model, and then presents four conditions of optimizing structure parameters.
  18. Discussion on possible error for phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentration analysis using hot-ethanol extraction method
  19. A polyethylene capillary burette with the single drop volume of 0.01~ 0.02 mL was used for the microtitration and the possible error resulting from the keeping and transportation of the water samples could be avoided.
  20. This paper discusses the justification and possible error when using single point charge model to calculate the charge parameters neutralized by a ground flash from multi-station measurements of electric-field changes.
  21. In order to improve the accuracy of the image collection system, the paper analyzes the possible error caused by the motion of the equipments, and puts forward a rectification method based on exact static calibration.
  22. According to the RCS characteristics of chaff cloud, the cardinal principle of RCS measurement is discussed, the mathematics expression of RCS measurement is presented, and the possible error sources to effect the measurement accuracy are analyzed.
  23. The article launches discussing of temperature measuring precision, as well as analyses possible error of the measurement circuit and method of eliminating error. Experimental data verifies this method.
  24. The paper also analyzes the measurement system of possible error influence, and put forward the corresponding eliminating methods.
  25. Through these means used to achieve the optimization of the dated, while statistical monitoring data sample model to predict the possible error message.
  26. Aiming at the possible error situations which may caused by the necessary assumption in the theoretical calculation, re-calculated all the parameters with virtual prototyping technology, and completed the verification of the theoretical results.
  27. Two-scale method was presented for the theoretical analysis of porous electrode in PEMFC so as to analyze possible error caused by macro scale average method, understand and describe exactly coupled reaction-transport process in porous electrode.
  28. The article also design the related to the detection mechanism, and the default of several possible error conditions and synchronization of data disaster response program.
  29. The simulation results show that the improved algorithm can improve the probability of correct bits which used to initialize the feedback of H-DFE in SC-FDMA system and inhibit possible error propagation and improved the overall BER performance.
  30. Meantime, this paper analyses the possible error and puts forward methods for the software correction.